"I love working for Commonwealth! I jumped on board in April of 2013 to join a team of professionals that is truly committed to excellence! I began as a temporary employee expecting to only work part time but knew right from the start that this was where I wanted to end up permanently. I have been amazed at the company growth, core values in which they uphold, dedication to their employee's and the investment they show towards all team members. Commonwealth offers challenges and opportunities, and you can easily excel, move up, and earn great rewards. The company looks for rising stars and helps move them into leadership roles. They provide excellent training, invest in their employees, and offer opportunities for the group to mix work with fun. I am very proud to say that I am part of the great Commonwealth Team!"
- Daedra, Administrative Assistant for Regional Management Team
"Commonwealth provides a wealth of back office support to the Community Managers, enabling them to be more responsive and effective in their duties. My wife and I started as Community Managers at Commonwealth with no direct multi-family housing experience. A year later we are up to speed and we feel ready for any challenge thrown our way! We feel as though the customer service and business skills we bring to the table are appreciated by commonwealth. I see current and future opportunities to contribute to the overall success of the organization, and we frequently find support and feedback for ideas and initiatives we bring forth."
- Josh, Community Manager for Bridge Creek Apts. & Totem Pole Estates
"Joining Commonwealth was one of the best things that has happened to me. Right away, I felt like a part of a team and I could see myself being here for a long time to come. There’s a good opportunity for growth in an ever expanding company, and in this industry there are a lot of reasons to get involved. Commonwealth’s hands-on, on-the-job training allowed me to transform my business and marketing degree into a successful accounting specialist position. A position that plays to my diverse strengths and fits my personality very well. Every day there is a new exciting challenge allowing me to constantly problem solve and find solutions to complex problems and challenges and I love it!"
- Kristine, Human Resources/Office Manager
"We are relatively new Resident Managers with Commonwealth. Before we worked with Commonwealth we talked with other Management companies to get a feel for how Residential Management works. It was these "other" management companies that told us, "Commonwealth is a great company to work with and if you can work with them DO IT!"
- Mara and Mike, Community Managers for Redwood Estates